''The Art Critic Der Kunstkritiker''
Dada was an art movement that formed in Europe when World War I was happening. Many artist moved to Switzerland because it was a neutral country. Dada began to show his protest through artistic medium by creating non art since art in the society meant nothing. This art movement was a protest but it always was fun to see. Most of the art was sarcastic, colorful and silly. In addition this movement is responsible for influencing many trends in visual art. Their aim was to destroy traditional value in art and create new art to replace the old. Artist Raoul Hausmann named this piece '' The Art Critic Der Kunstkritiker'' around 1919 to 1920. Hausmann was a member of the Berlin Dada group. This image was an anonymous figure cut from a magazine. Behind the critic's neck there is a German banknote that suggest he is being controlled by capitalist forces. Lastly there are words in the background of a poem by Hausmann.
''The Cabinet Maker, 1994''
Jacob Lawrence was an African-American painter known for his portrayal of African-American life. His work was rooted in US history mainly focus on the struggle against slavery and racial oppression. Lawrence was the first black artist to achieve prominence in what was still a largely segregated art world. Lawrence shows poverty, poor health care, police harassment, and racial discrimination. There were many influences that contributed to the unique style of this young artist. Other influences were such leading American artists as Stuart Davis, whose cubist-influenced style bears some resemblance to Lawrence's work.